Sunday, September 16, 2007

our grown-up furniture

Okay okay...I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post pictures of our new furniture. In my defense...we got the furniture the night before school started for a new year. It's true what they say...a first year teacher's year is INSANE (but that's for another blog).

And...since some people (ahem...Becca...) have been checking my blog every day for these pictures I guess I owe it to them to finally post.

I feel so grown-up lately...some may think it's because I just got married...but I think a lot has to do with the new furniture. There's something about this investment that makes me realize that I'm now an adult. Maybe it's the fact that I finally had to part with the hand-me-down couch and the $10 garage sale chair that had been with me for years.

The furniture will look slightly different when we can finally add the wooden legs. We decided it best to not fight with the hand screw driver and foot long screws when we didn't get the furniture till 8:00 on the night it arrived. Those will be added in time...

Thanks for looking!


Amy said...

Yay for the furniture blog. I love it!! Now we have to get you a bigger picture for above your couch.

Ashley said...

beautiful! these pics bring back memories... hehe

so good to see you yesterday!

becca said...

let me be the first person who hasn't lived in your apartment to comment on how great your furniture looks in your new place! thanks again for coming on sunday. it was great seeing you!

Anonymous said...

It's always fun to get new furniture, but personally I'm happy that I won't have to sit on your old couch ever again. I have not been a fan of that thing ever since it chipped my tailbone in Beeson long ago.