Friday, September 28, 2007

Laura Kimberly

Baby Laura has arrived! Andrea went into the hospital about 2pm on Wednesday afternoon for "observation" but was told that the baby would most likely not show until late Thursday/early Friday. Laura had a different idea. I got the call at 12:45am that Andrea was in active labor. Laura arrived shortly after at 3:22am.

I was blessed with the chance to spend time with Andrea, Richie and baby Laura Thursday evening and Friday afternoon. Mom and I of course used this time to start spoiling Laura and found this perfect shirt for the day after she was born:

I am amazed by the miracle of this beautiful little baby girl. I never thought it was possible to love something so small so much. She is precious!

Congratulations Andrea and Richie! Laura is so blessed to have you as parents. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Laura, you are so loved! Remember, God made you special and you are his precious child!


Amy said...

Yay I was hoping I'd see a Laura blog on here when I got to work. She is a cutie, look at those cheeks and that hair! So glad you could spend those days down there.