Monday, March 31, 2008

can I call another blog "update"?

Alright, I know I keep saying it. But I realize I need to get better at updating my blog. So hear it goes again, another promise that I'll do better...we'll see :)

It's official...Matt has a real job! We thank all of you who have been praying for us as we wait on God's plan. God made it all very clear to us about a week back when Matt received word from the White Plains job (down near NYC) that he hadn't gotten the job. Not 10 minutes later another offer was presented to him. He had interviewed 3 weeks earlier with the place he worked over the summer. Just that morning at breakfast we both commented that that particular job probably wasn't going to happen since he hadn't heard back. Ha...God had a different idea :) Matt has accepted the position and we'll be staying here in Rochester :) It was a clear answer to prayer and a clear decision to make.

Although the whole search was an emotional roller coaster I can't put to words how it helped to bring Matt and I even closer together. If that was the plan God had for all the questioning and wondering then it was well worth it.

Hmmm...what else...

Matt and I went to see the play Peter Pan this weekend. It was INCREDIBLE! The sets were immaculate, the singing outstanding and the special effects flying was unbelievable! And to top it all...the show was performed by middle schoolers. Matt's cousin goes to one of the Greece middle schools and was one of the lost boys (there were at least 50 of them, in addition to the 50 some indians and 50 some pirates!!!). We were in for a surprise when Peter Pan's entrance onto stage took him high above the stage!

Hmmm...what else...

Oh, I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories to share after this next weekend when Matt and I dog-sit for this little guy. John and Amy are heading out of town and asked us to take care of Beckett while they're away. Matt and I would love to have a dog, but can't in our apartment so maybe this will be a good substitute. We went over last night to learn all we needed to know to make sure he survives the weekend (or is it for our survival?). Amy had written her "sub plans" with Beckett's rules. I think he must have known something was up...he spent all evening trying to eat the plans. But hey, I guess you can't put too much past a dog who graduates from obedience school with honors.

Thanks for checking in.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Matt!

Thank you for choosing me as your wife! Everyday I thank God for bringing us together and allowing us to walk through this journey together. Thank you for loving me!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Beach and Baseball

Last week I had the pleasure of traveling to Myrtle Beach with Matt's parents for two things:

The Beach

and Baseball
I left last Friday right after school, planning to meet Matt's parents in Pennsylvania for the trip. About half-way to PA I started driving straight into a snow storm. From Cortland to Binghamton wasn't too was when I crossed the state line into PA that I started to think that they don't even own snow plows. I couldn't see in front of me, couldn't tell where the lines were on the road and couldn't get around the crazy drivers choosing to navigate the "middle" lane at 15 miles per hour. I finally met up with Matt's parents, had dinner then we decided to drive through the night (it was already 7:30pm). We were eager to get out of the winter weather! We arrived in Myrtle Beach at 9:30 Saturday morning. Although glad we were there, we weren't quite sure what to do to fill our time till we could get into our condo at 3:00. Well, we resorted back to our reason for being there...we went to the BEACH :)

Each day included a walk on the beach followed by an afternoon of watching the RIT tigers on the field.

It was an amazing week! It was such a blessing to spend quality time with my in-laws. We made tons of great memories (and collected just as many seashells :)

Matt was able to sneak away from the team to spend some time with us.

All week we'd driven past immaculate mini golf courses (there were huge regular golf courses too...but none of us are avid golfers). We knew we had to go before we left. We had a few hours Tuesday morning before Matt had to be at practice so we ventured out to find just the right course. The one we picked was Peter Pan themed...and way better than any mini golf course I'd ever been too.

I'm not really sure who won...for some reason I can't seem to recall that memory :)

Baseball season is in full swing after this week. Matt is supposed to play next weekend in PA, but with this crazy Northeast weather I'm not sure the fields will be ready. I'm not-so-secretly hoping the games will be canceled so he'll be home for his birthday this Saturday.