Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am...

I am: a child of God, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a teacher (thanks for the great answer Amy...with one change).

I think: I'm glad God is writing my story. ("We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, often a confusing mixture of both, and we haven't the slightest clue how to make sense of it all...we try to interpret the meaning of life with only fragments, isolated incidents, feelings, and images without reference to the story of which these scenes are merely a part." The Sacred Romance)

I want: the coffee table we found today :)

I wish: that more people would accept the love of our Savior.

I hate: folding laundry.

I miss: living with my college girls. Who wouldn't want 5 additional wardrobes, 5 shoulders to cry on, 5 prayer warriors, and 5 best friends.

I fear: losing those close to me.

I feel: proud of my husband and all his accomplishments :)

I hear: NBA Live (Matt's playing).

I smell: fresh air (I love having a sliding glass door to open :)

I crave: the Olive Garden desserts we have waiting in our fridge for later (or sooner).

I search: online for houses for sale, knowing full well we're not ready to buy yet.

I regret: the years when I didn't make my family a priority.

I love: being married to my best friend.

I ache: for the children in this generation who don't know what it means to grow up in a loving home.

I care: about my students.

I always: buy sweedish fish when I drive long distances by myself.

I am not: always as confident as I want to be. I sometimes forget that I was "wonderfully made" in the eyes of God.

I believe: in the power of the blood of Jesus.

I sing: in the car. When Matt and I sing in the car it becomes a competition to see who can sing the MOST off key.

I cry: easily.

I lose: whenever I play Yahtzee against Matt (who else gets 3 yahtzees in a row on the first 3 turns?)

I never: turn down skittles.

I need: to get serious about an exercise plan.

I am happy: to be an aunt to such a beautiful baby girl.

I hope: to be a blessing to those I come in contact with.


Amy said...

You are SUCH a blessing to those you come in contact with.

And I love the Sacred Romance quote, did you see the one I added to my blog last week? Love that book.

Lets get together soon. Miss you. Love you!

Matt and Megan said...


I love the quote you chose, I pulled the book down off the shelf and went straight to the one you posted.